Mersea Township Surnames

The link below will take the user to a listing of 10,948 names from Mersea Township, the Town of Leamington, and possibly adjacent areas. The records are maintained on, an Ontario Ancestors site. Free registration on is required to view the information (membership in the Essex County Branch or in Ontario Ancestors is NOT required to register or to access the records).  Register HERE or proceed to view the records HERE.

Disclaimer by the Compiler:

I started out to connect people known to my family and ended up listing many more people. I did not list all members of any one family. However my family tree is listed within. This listing provided a more opening of my eyes to problems in doing genealogy research. DO NOT get too hung up on exact dates and sometimes places. In trying to verify most dates, for instance, the birth listings on the sources did not always match that of death and marriage sources. The same is true for residence listings. Knowingly, people would tend to move as not all were land owners but rented or share-cropped at various farms.

There may be many relatives of a listed individual that are not listed here. Similarly, there are several marriages of certain individuals which have not been verified through other sources. Second or third marriages were hard to verify with people of the same names.

My name is George Setterington and I grew up in Leamington on Hazelton St., attended Leamington District High School and attended Leamington United Church. My parents delivered mail on the Lake Shore Rd, Point Pelee and Concessions C, D and E.

I undoubtedly met some of your ancestors in our travels.

If any of these listings can assist someone researching a relative, then my work was worth the effort. Go for it!
