Jan. 7 – Rev. HAMILTON’s little girl is much better today. La grippe is very prevalent, nearly every family in town and county having it. Miss Alice SHEPLY, daughter of Jacob SHEPLY, is very ill with la grippe. Little Clarence DEVITT is very ill with rheumatic fever. Mrs. Chas. HEATH has returned from her visit with her brother in Detroit. Geo. HASKINS had his foot badly crushed while working on the gas line Monday. Miss Evalene JOHNSON leaves today for a few weeks’ visit with friends in Windsor, Walkerville and London. At a social gathering in town this week seven persons signed an agreement to set aside and give to the Lord one tenth of their income. J. G. KOLFAGE, who was taken down sick just before Christmas, is still very ill with a complication of lung trouble. Principal VOADEN is the happy father of a bouncing boy which arrived on Tuesday morning. Kingsville can boast of being the first town in the Dominion to introduce lady officials at the polls. On Monday last Mrs. Carrie McDONALD, being a lady voter, entitled to all the benefits of the franchise act, was duly sworn in before Justice SMART as poll clerk to W. A GRENVILLE in ward No. 2. Mrs. McDONALD did her work thoroughly and it was noticeable in cleaning the rooms next day, the great lack of old Tucker juice on the floor. Mrs. J. H EBERLE is quite ill with la grippe. Mrs. NEUT, an elderly lady residing at Dr. ALLWORTH’s, is very low, with no prospects of recovery. Word was received today that Geo. THORNTON of Essex, brother of Mrs. Jason WOODIWISS of this place, was dying. The township council of South Gosfield refused to grant the small sum of $25 to Kingsville’s public library and with one accord granted $40 to Ruthven’s brass band. Now the town is retaliating as no one from the township is allowed to take out a book unless they pay one dollar per year. This is a sad thing for many who live in the township adjacent to the town and they are making a grand kick now at the smallness of their council in refusing the grant, thereby depriving them of access to such good literature.
Jan. 6 – L. HODGINS spent New Year’s at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace LATTAN have gone on a visit to friends in Baltimore. Aaron HECKLER, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent New Year’s at J. E. EAGAR’s. Mrs. John ASKEW, who is ill, is improving. Mrs. (Dr.) BODDINGTON is on a visit to her mother and relatives at St. Thomas and other places. A. B. PATTERSON, manager of the Merchant’s Bank, spent New Year’s at London. Dr. and Mrs. H. F. DEMING, of Detroit, spent New Year’s in town. Mrs. Robt. CULLEN, of Detroit, is a guest of her son, Colin CULLEN, Erie Street. Dr. E. S. and Mrs. McDONALD, of Detroit, and Mr., Mrs. and Miss POWELL, of Tilbury, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. McDONALD on New Year’s. Joe HENRY left on Tuesday for a trip to Manitoba and the Northwest. Miss Hattie FREEMAN gave a birthday party on Monday afternoon to a number of her little friends. Mrs. Richard WALES, of Fullerton, is visiting her brother, Phil McINTOSH, of the 10th con., Mersea. Lee KELLOGG, Mount Pleasant, Mich., is the guest of Geo. JOHNSON. Mr. KELLOGG is a partner with his father in the conducting of an extensive stock farm. Wm. TESTER and family, of Hillman, left this morning for Lakefield, Mich., where they will make their home. Thom. TESTER, who left here some seven years ago for Michigan, will return shortly to work the old homestead. Miss Gertrude ROBINSON and Albert HEWER spent a day or two last week in Tilbury. Roy RAYMOND has gone on an extended visit to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John ANGUISH, of Fletcher, spent New Year’s at F. METTAM’s. Wm. J. CAMPBELL, of the 1st con., Mersea, has returned from a visit to friends in Northern Michigan. Robt. CAMPBELL, of the 10th con., Mersea, is visiting friends in Perth county. Robt. SELKIRK, son of John SELKIRK, who has been attending the Gurchess Business College, Detroit, is seriously ill at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. AINSLIE spent the Christmas holidays at Blenheim with Mr. AINSLIE’s sister, and New Year’s with Dr. MEDD and wife, of Sarnia. Miss Annie AINSLIE, of Comber, is spending a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. Henry WIPER and their daughter, Miss Alberta, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TRUAX and family spent New Year’s at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Andrew LEE, 1st con., Mersea. Mrs. CRONK and children, of Leamington, were guests in the city over New Year’s at Rev. Wm. McDONALD’s. F. E. MALOTT occupied the pulpit of the Central Methodist church, Stratford, on New Year’s evening. Miss Agnes Hull SIMPSON, who has been a guest at Thos. FULLER’s for some weeks, returned to her home at London this morning. Miss McLENNAN, of Walkerville, is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLENNAN, Orange St., suffering from an attack of la grippe.
Jan. 6 – Mrs. James CAMPEAU is very ill this week. Maurice FOX and wife are visiting friends in Detroit. Miss McINTYRE spent Monday and Tuesday with friends in Detroit. The six-year-old daughter of Fred. BERTRAND is very lost with typhoid fever. Mrs. VERRAL, of the Horsman house, has been seriously ill with la grippe, but is improving. Miss Minnie BRETT and Charles GOTT are spending their holidays with relatives in Brantford and Welland. Capt. J. D. GIRARDIN has returned for the winter. The “Harvey Brown” is in winter quarter at Buffalo. Mrs. and Mrs. Harry MARTIN and Marcel CARON, of Detroit, spent New Year’s with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francois CARON. Miss Emma BAILEY, of Detroit, visited her sister, Mrs. F. J. MALONEY, New Year’s. Mrs. D. D. WIGLE and children have returned after spending the holidays in Kingsville. Mrs. J. W. STOKES lies very ill at her home from a very severe attack of la grippe. She is in a very dangerous condition. Alfred PULFORD is able to be out after a week’s attack of la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. D’AUBIN, of Detroit, spent New Year’s at F. F. PRIMEAU’s. Charles A. McGUIGAN, of Sandwich South, was visiting this week with John McNUTT. He was born in Amherstburg 53 years ago, his father being a member of the Royal Canadian Rifles when stationed here in 1850 and ’51. Joseph BERTRAND and Fred CURTIS are at Norwich this week, and it is said the former has gone to get married, while the latter stands as best man. Among the New Year’s visitors in town were: Dr. H. A. and Mrs. PATTEN, of Detroit, with his brother, Mayor-elect PATTEN; Harry QUINLAN, of Detroit, with D. B. TURNILLE; Capt. Don DUNCANSON and wife, of Detroit, at his father’s, Capt. John DUNCANSON; Mr. and Mrs. John WATERFALL and daughter Dorothy, at John BRATT’s; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MENZIES, of Detroit, with her father, W. H. GATFIELD, Riverfront; Mr. YOUNG, of Detroit, at James WILDERSPIN’s; Miss Linda CALDWELL, of Detroit, at home; and Elmer MOFFATT, of Tilbury, with his uncle, Thos. MOFFATT.